Japanese Voice-Over Wikia
Welcome to the Japanese Voice Over Wiki!

This wiki is about Japanese-language voice acting and will contain general information about the voice actors and actresses.
It was created since September 8, 2016.‎
Please sign up and begin editing the page. Please use talk pages before adding voice roles.
Check out the Recent Changes List to see the changes what has been added to this wiki lately.

Our Voice Actors, Anime, Cartoons, Movies, Video Games & More

Ultimate Voice Actor Credits

At this wiki we put our focus at the Japanese-language voice actors credits. (Please discuss before adding information on our forum.) We want our wikia to be 100% accurate so don't post information from random sites that are known to have inaccurate information. And because this is a wiki for voice acting, Muppets/Puppetering and Live-Action performances is not allowed on this wiki.

You can check out our Top 100 list of voice actors depending on the number of titles they have lent their voice to. The list is updated frequently when titles are added.

Guidelines for Pages

Before adding or editing pages look at this manual on how a page should look so it follows the same appearance as every other page on this wiki. Manual for Adding/Editing Pages
